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Inserting Data

In this section, we will discuss how to insert data into a table using GlueSQL.

Basic Insert

To insert data into a table, you can use the insert method on a table object. You can then use the values method to provide the values you want to insert.

let actual = table("Foo")
.values(vec!["1, 'Fruit', 0.1", "2, 'Meat', 0.8"])
let expected = Ok(Payload::Insert(2));
test(actual, expected);

This code inserts two rows into the table Foo. The first row has the values 1, 'Fruit', 0.1 and the second row has the values 2, 'Meat', 0.8.

Insert with Specified Columns

If you want to specify the columns to insert data into, you can use the columns method followed by the values method. The values method should contain the data for the specified columns.

let actual = table("Foo")
.columns("id, name")
.values(vec![vec![num(3), text("Drink")]])
let expected = Ok(Payload::Insert(1));
test(actual, expected);

This code inserts a new row into the table Foo with the specified columns id and name. The rate column is not specified, so it will be set to its default value.

Insert from Source

You can also insert data into a table using a SELECT statement as the source. To do this, use the as_select method followed by the execute method.

let actual = table("Bar")
.as_select(table("Foo").select().project("id, name"))
let expected = Ok(Payload::Insert(3));
test(actual, expected);

This code inserts data into the table Bar using the SELECT statement on the table Foo. The project method is used to specify the columns id and name as the source data.