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Command-Line Interface


The Command-Line Interface (CLI) is a tool that allows interactive execution of SQL on GlueSQL. It supports Dot commands for more convenient use, and the .edit command allows immediate modification of query files, which can then be executed with .execute. In addition, it supports HTML table format output for SQL results, making it possible to use the results directly on the web.


To install the GlueSQL Command-Line Interface (CLI), run the following command:

$ cargo install gluesql

Running the CLI

Once you have installed the GlueSQL CLI, you can use it to interact with your database. The CLI has several options that you can use to customize your database configuration:

$ gluesql [--execute ~/sql_path] [--path ~/data_path --storage={sled | json}]


This option allows you to execute a SQL query that is stored in a specific file path. You need to provide the path to the SQL file that contains the query you want to execute. For example, you can use the following command to execute a file located at ~/sql_path/query.sql

gluesql --execute ~/sql_path/query.sql


This option allows you to specify the path to your database's data directory. By default, GlueSQL stores your database in the current directory. However, you can use the --path option to specify a custom directory where you want to store your database files. For example, you can use the following command to specify a custom data directory ~/mydatabase:

gluesql --path ~/mydatabase


This option allows you to specify the storage engine you want to use for your database. By default, GlueSQL uses the memory storage engine. However, you can also use sled or json storage engine by using the --storage option. Note that sled and json should be with --path option. For example, you can use the following command to specify the json storage engine:

gluesql --path ~/mydatabase --storage=json

Dot command


This command shows current Print options.

gluesql> .show all
tabular ON
colsep "|"
colwrap ""
heading ON

or you can specify a option

gluesql> .show colsep
colsep "|"


This command can set each Print options

tabular {ON|OFF}turn on/off html table format
colsep {SEPARATOR}set column separator(tabular OFF only)
colwrap {WRAPPER}set column wrapper(tabular OFF only)
heading {ON|OFF}turn on/off heading
gluesql> VALUES (1, 'Glue'), (2, 'SQL');
| column1 | column2 |
| 1 | Glue |
| 2 | SQL |

gluesql> .set tabular off
gluesql> VALUES (1, 'Glue'), (2, 'SQL');
gluesql> .set colsep ,
gluesql> VALUES (1, 'Glue'), (2, 'SQL');
gluesql> .set colwrap '
gluesql> VALUES (1, 'Glue'), (2, 'SQL');
gluesql> .set heading off
gluesql> VALUES (1, 'Glue'), (2, 'SQL');


This command open editor with last executed SQL or PATH

With last executed SQL

if you execute .edit, it opens specified (set on $EDITOR env) or OS default editor.

$ export $EDITOR=vi
$ gluesql
gluesql> VALUES (1, 'Glue'), (2, 'SQL');
| column1 | column2 |
| 1 | Glue |
| 2 | SQL |
gluesql> .edit

Last executed SQL is opened with vi

--! /tmp/Glue_xxxxx.sql
VALUES (1, 'Glue'), (2, 'SQL');


gluesql> .edit insert.sql

It opens editor and shows the contents of create_insert.sql

--! create_insert.sql
CREATE TABLE Items (id INT, name TEXT);
INSERT INTO Items VALUES (1, 'Glue'), (2, 'SQL');


This command executes SQL from PATH

gluesql> .execute create_insert.sql
Table created

2 rows inserted


This command executes last executed command again.

gluesql> VALUES (1, 'Glue'), (2, 'SQL');
| column1 | column2 |
| 1 | Glue |
| 2 | SQL |

gluesql> .run
| column1 | column2 |
| 1 | Glue |
| 2 | SQL |

Also possible to combinate with .edit

gluesql> VALUES (1, 'Glue'), (2, 'SQL');
| column1 | column2 |
| 1 | Glue |
| 2 | SQL |

gluesql> .edit

edit to add (3, 'Rust')

--! /tmp/Glue_xxxxxx.sql
VALUES (1, 'Glue'), (2, 'SQL'), (3, 'Rust')
gluesql> .run
| column1 | column2 |
| 1 | Glue |
| 2 | SQL |
| 3 | Rust |

More commands

If you execute .help, you can see various helper command starting with dot(.)

.helpshow help
.quitquit program
.tablesshow table names
.functionsshow function names
.columns TABLEshow columns from TABLE
.versionshow version
.execute PATHexecute SQL from PATH
.spool PATH|offspool to PATH or off
.show OPTIONshow print option eg).show all
.set OPTIONset print option eg).set tabular off
.edit [PATH]open editor with last command or PATH
.runexecute last command

Migration using CLI

GlueSQL CLI supports generating SQL scripts for dumping whole schemas and data.

For instance, if you want to dump your database schema and data to a file named dump.sql, you can use the following command:

$ gluesql --path ~/glue_data --dump ./dump.sql

This will create a SQL script in the current directory that you can use to recreate your database.

If you want to import the database from the dump.sql file, you can use the following command:

$ gluesql --execute ./dump.sql --path ~/new_data --storage=sled

This will create a new database in the specified path, using the Sled Storage engine.

That's it! You now know how to use GlueSQL to migrate your database schema and data using the CLI.