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GlueSQL provides several text trimming functions that allow you to remove leading or trailing characters from a text string.

For this tutorial, we assume there's a table named Food with an id column of INTEGER type and a name column of TEXT type.

Right Trimming - rtrim

The rtrim function removes trailing characters from a text string. You can specify the characters to be removed as an argument to the function. If no argument is provided, it trims spaces by default.

// Trims trailing spaces from "chicken   "
let test_text = text("chicken ").rtrim(Some(text(" ")));

let actual = table("Food")
.columns("id, name")
.values(vec![vec![num(1), test_text]])

Left Trimming - ltrim

The ltrim function removes leading characters from a text string. You can specify the characters to be removed as an argument to the function. If no argument is provided, it trims spaces by default.

// Trims leading spaces from "   chicken"
let test_text = ltrim(text(" chicken"), Some(text(" ")));

let actual = table("Food")
.columns("id, name")
.values(vec![vec![num(2), test_text]])

Right and Left Trimming

You can combine rtrim and ltrim to trim both sides of a string:

// Trims leading "ch" and trailing spaces from "chicken"
let test_text = text("chicken").ltrim(Some(text("ch"))).rtrim(None);

let actual = table("Food")
.columns("id, name")
.values(vec![vec![num(3), test_text]])
// Trims trailing "en" and leading spaces from "chicken"
let test_text = text("chicken").rtrim(Some(text("en"))).ltrim(None);

let actual = table("Food")
.columns("id, name")
.values(vec![vec![num(4), test_text]])